With what treatments can Dr. Ion Vascăuțan help you
- Professional teeth whitening with ZOOM lamp;
- Professional cleaning of teeth (tartar removal / sanitizing);
- Treatment of cavities dental;
- Crack sealing;
- Endodontic treatment – root treatment tooth (devitalization) – made mandatory under magnification (Microscope and binoculars);
- Restoration of teeth affected with aesthetic fillings and artistic restorations;
- Treatment of teeth in children.
Most treatments require radiological investigations for diagnosis (before treatment) and for quality control (after finishing treatment). For the convenience of patients, they can be made inside the clinic at the indications and under the supervision of Dr. Vascăuțan.
And in cases where the patient needs complex multidisciplinary treatments (extractions, dental implants, dental crowns and bridges, prostheses, etc) – are attracted specialists specialize in those treatments, which also work daily in our clinic.
Experience and professional training
Nelu, because that’s how we caress him in the clinic Punto Bianco, he knew as a child that he wanted to become a dentist by profession, especially, this desire was refined and strengthened after his first visit to the dentist, at the age of six. In order to see his dream come true, he put a lot of effort and ambition.
After graduating from high school with flying colors, he immediately knew where he wanted to apply to become a successful dentist. Graduate of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiteanu” in Chisinau, Nelu shares his student years with us, which he describes as the most beautiful and unforgettable years, because, precisely in his student years, he loved this craft – dentistry. And in order to develop even more professionally, Nellu first worked as a nurse between 2014-2016, after which he was already a therapist (2016-2017) at the clinic CreativDent.
Nelu did not stop here to see his dream come true, actively participated in exchanges of experience abroad. Thus, he received beautiful lessons and learned unique techniques of working in dentistry while in internship at renowned clinics in Romania, and especially through the Interdentis project, in Bucharest (2013), at Tîrgul Mures (2014), at Cluj-Napoca (2015) and Sibiu (2016).
Currently, Ion Vascăuțan is part of the great Punto Bianco family, where daily they apply in practice different contemporary methods of treatment endodontic, thus helping patients get rid of pain and giving them more confidence, and comfort – two essential things to overcome the fear of the dentist.
Dentist, but not only…
One of the motivational mottos of Dr. Nelu Vascăuțan is „ Smile, because the smile is the happiness that hides right under your nose” – what could be more wonderful than an invitation to happiness ?! And let’s not forget that dentists are also human, in addition to dentistry, Nelu is also passionate about travel, from which he enriches his luggage with new experiences and impressions, knows new cultures and interacts with people of different nationalities. We must also mention that Nelu is a doctor with jokes in the program. You never get bored with him, he will always find a good joke to bring your smile back to your face, not in vain, during his student years he was the captain of the TVC team!
Diplomas and certificates
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