Anna R.
Italy, Rome
Говорит о: Высококвалифицированный персонал, Дружеские отношения, Эффективность компании, Семейная среда, Безупречный прием
Видео снято: 22 апреля, 2017
”Come quietly, to find an extraordinary welcome, look, I get the shivers because you are all, but all, extraordinary'
Our very kind friend Anna has agreed to tell us about her experience in Moldova. He found our contacts by chance, in a shop in Rome. This person was the daughter of one of our clients whose smile we touched up. Anna had heard about our country for the first time. The teeth pain gave her the courage to reach, and Anna’s journey started in October. Anna remembers her first trip to Moldova with emotion and tears in her eyes. She was so scared, but the fear immediately passed from the first visit, at the meeting with his assistant, Ana and 2 doctors, “extraordinary people, ”says Anna. The second trip was just for a checkup that made sure everything was okay. He finished the treatment in March. She was more than satisfied with the work done. She promised to come back every year to visit us. We are waiting for you!
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