Angela D.
Italy, Terni, Umbria
October 23, 2019
Excellent reception, Excellent work of the dentist, Trust a dentist, Very good dentists
I made my dream come true! Beautiful teeth! I smile freely! I chew very well.
Imma E.
Italy, Oppido Lucano
October 21, 2019
When professionalism is combined with availability,the friendliness and the perfect organization then all that remains is congratulate.

Massimo G.
Italy, Terracina
October 21, 2019
Highly qualified staff, Quality dental treatment
I would like to thank all the staff for the excellent work done for my new smile! THANKS

Imma E.
Italy, Oppido Lucano
October 21, 2019
Convenient dental treatment, Excellent clinic, Good practice
When professionalism is combined with availability, kindness and a perfect organization, it only remains for me to make my congratulations.
Имма Е.
Италия, Оппидо-Лучано
October 21, 2019
Когда профессионализм сочетается с доступностью, дружелюбием и безупречной организацией, остается только поздравить.

Claudio M.
Italy, Parma
October 18, 2019
Extremely qualified staff, High quality of services, Trust a dentist
I smile and eat again as before, or rather better.

Claudiu A.
Spain, Barcelona
October 18, 2019
High quality care, Unmatched professionalism, Unquestionable professionalism
A wonderful experience, an excellent team, high quality assistance, organization and punctuality

Gianna F.
Italy, Puglia
October 16, 2019
Excellent work of the dentist, High quality of services
Have you ever seen a person coming out of a dental clinic crying from joy and happiness and not crying in pain? At Punto Bianco everything is possible. Thanks for being here.

Giovanna M.
Italy, Osnago
October 16, 2019
Avant-garde techniques and machinery, Impeccable cleanliness, highly qualified staff
The staff is fantastic, available, at any time, and always puts the patient's needs above everything.
Ален Б.
Франция, Париж
October 12, 2019
Мне остается только поздравить себя с выбором этой клиники и поздравить их с работой.

Alain B.
France, Paris
October 12, 2019
Confident structure, High level of organization, Impeccable hygiene, Impeccable welcome
I just have to congratulate myself for choosing this clinic, and also thank them for their work.

Luiz D.
Italy, Rome
October 11, 2019
Excellent work of the dentist, Innovative treatments, avant-garde clinic
Punto Bianco, a structure par excellence in care in all its variants of the oral health.

Maurizio B.
England, Londra
October 2, 2019
A lot of professionalism, Qualified personnel, Quality dental treatment
Fantastic clinic, really well organized,with wonderful staff, very kind and always available for any problem.
Maurizio B.
Angleterre, Londres
October 2, 2019
A lot of professionalism, Qualified personnel, Quality dental treatment
Clinique fantastique, très bien organisée, avec un personnel merveilleux, très gentils et toujours disponibles pour tous les problèmes.

Nina B.
October 1, 2019
High quality of services, Highly qualified staff, Very good doctors
I have been here with my husband, we were really excited about the professionalism, all the staff, doctors and assistants.

Elena L.
Belgium, Blakenberge
September 27, 2019
Entourage extra-professional, High quality dental treatment, Qualified staff
I was very satisfied and I recommend with confidence to those who need dental treatment.
Elena L.
Belgien, Blakenberge
September 27, 2019
Ich bin sehr zufrieden und empfehle mit Zuversicht denen, die eine Zahnbehandlung benötigen.

Vittorio L.
Italy, Sardinia
September 26, 2019
High quality of services, Highly trained medical staff, Professional environment
I recommend Punto Bianco to everyone who needs dental care!
Caterina R.
Belgia, Erquelinnes
September 24, 2019
O primire călduroasă, o clinică de top, un personal la dispoziția ta! ?
Saverio R.
Italia, Catanzaro
September 24, 2019
Recomand Punto Bianco pentru tratamentele și protezele dentare, pentru profesionalism. Sinonim al garanției și al rezultatului!

Saverio R.
Italy, Catanzaro
September 24, 2019
360 ° guarantee, High quality of services, Trust a dentist
I recommend Punto Bianco for dental care, prosthesis and their professionalism. Equivalent of guarantee and result!

Caterina R.
Belgium, Erquelinnes
September 24, 2019
Impeccable assistance, Qualified personnel, Warm welcome
A warm welcome, a clinic in the top, a staff at your disposal! ?

Mariana R.
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau
September 24, 2019
Entourage extra-professional, Excellent work of the dentist, Friendly atmosphere, Impeccable welcome, Maximum support
Punto Bianco - a proof of perfect professionalism, that knows how to create a warm, pleasant and confident atmosphere.

Olivier H.
France, Alfortville
September 18, 2019
Entourage extra-professional, High level of organization, Quality dental treatment
Professionalism, efficiency, availability, perfectionism, attentive, friendly. Clearly, do not hesitate!

Donata D.
Italy, Girasole, Sardinia
September 15, 2019
Complete predictability of the result, Good work practices, High quality of services, Highest quality technologies
An unexpected but very welcome reality!
Donata D.
Italia, Girasol, Cerdeña
September 15, 2019
¡Una realidad inesperada pero muy bienvenida!

Martial R.
France, Lion
September 14, 2019
Advanced equipment, Exceptional care, Quality dental care
I am extremely happy to have trusted you and I do not regret my stay.

Alina A.
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau
September 2, 2019
Avant-garde techniques and machinery, Good practice, Professional attitude, Professional doctors
Every patient is important and receives a proper attention and safety.

Titti M.
Italy, Bonorva, Sardinia
July 22, 2019
High quality of services, Highly qualified staff, Impeccable welcome
Beautiful clinic, with highly specialized staff and advanced equipment.
Demetrio D.
Italia, Rome
July 10, 2019

Fiori L.
Italy, Sardinia
July 9, 2019
Buone pratiche del lavoro, Massima qualità del lavoro, Servizio completo e all’avanguardia
I recommend you to visit the clinic Punto Bianco, so you realize how much professionalism and kindness you will find, I've been there and I had a great time!
Gerardo G.
July 7, 2019
Great professionalism
I found the staff as a family, always with a smile and listening, honest and above all true professionals who also manage to work miracles!
Gerardo G.
July 7, 2019
Great professionalism
El equipo era como una familia, siempre con una sonrisa y muy atentos, honestos y sobre todo verdaderos profesionales que también logran hacer milagros!
Donato C.
UK, City of Bradford
July 5, 2019
Friendly relationships
PUNTO BIANCO is the best ever, as professionalism as hygiene, as advanced machinery and especially as the price
Bruno R.
Belgium, Bruxelles
July 4, 2019
Treatment without language barriers
I really have no regrets. The language barrier is not a problem as they are multilingual.

Anna e Davide .
Italy, Sardinia
July 3, 2019
Extremely qualified staff, Great professionalism, Professional environment
We had a great time, staff always polite and helpful, especially Mihaela and Inna, very kind. Thanks so much! ??
Anna e Davide P.
Italia, Cerdeña
July 3, 2019
Nos sentimos muy bien tanto en el tratamiento como sobre todo en la hospitalidad y amabilidad.

Anna e Davide P.
Italy, Sardinia
July 3, 2019
Great professionalism, Impeccable welcome, Professional environment
We found ourselves very well both in the care and above all in the welcome and kindness.

Demetrio D.
Italy, Rome
June 28, 2019
High quality of services, Highly specialized clinic
Once I got to the clinic, the first thing was to make me feel comfortable.
Demetrio D.
Italia, Roma
June 28, 2019
Una vez que llegué a la clínica, lo primero fue hacerme sentir a gusto.

Rasta R.
Colombia, Bogota
June 14, 2019
Gaetano M.
Italia, Napoli
June 12, 2019
Maximum seriousness of the work
I was very satisfied from all points of view: the prices are transparent and "humane", the staff is friendly and prepared, hygiene at the highest levels.
Gaetano M.
Italy, Naples
June 12, 2019
Maximum seriousness of the work
I was very satisfied from all points of view: the prices are transparent and "humane", the staff is friendly and prepared, the hygiene is at the highest levels.
Nelly B.
France, Sarrians
June 4, 2019
todos los que trabajan en la clínica están al nivel
Nelly B.
France, Sarrians
June 4, 2019
Gerardo D.
Italy, Fermo, Marche
May 31, 2019
Economic competitiveness
Not to be missed! Save on treatment and in addition have fun. Other words, in this sense, would be superfluous.
Barbara F.
Italy, Gattinara
May 21, 2019
Professional environment
Trained doctors, advanced equipment, a lot of professionalism. I definitely recommend it !!

Barbara F.
Italy, Gattinara
May 21, 2019
Professional environment
Trained doctors, advanced equipment, a lot of professionalism. I definitely recommend it !!
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