safe dental implant placement in Chisinau using surgical guide (digitally planned)

Computer guided dental implant surgery à Chisinau

Don’t like the surprises? Neither do we.In our clinic you will be informed beforehand about all the prices regarding your dental implant treatment, after the primary consultation with our dentists. The surgical guide will safe us from surprises during implant placement and after, when you’ll come for your final crowns, ’cause the implants are meticulously computer-planned in special software …

Prix dans notre clinique:

de 0 €

Lire ci-dessous pour plus d'informations sur Computer guided dental implant surgery en Moldavie et familiarisez-vous avec toutes les options, forfaits et prix des Computer guided dental implant surgery dans notre clinique.

Nos experts sur Computer guided dental implant surgery

The advantages of computer guided implant surgery in Moldova:

  • ? insertion with millimeter precision;
  • duration of the intervention ⏳ less than 30 min (1 system);
  • without cutting the gum;
  • without blood;
  • without pain;
  • with the possibility of having fixed teeth on the same day;
  • savings ? up to 80%.

Que disent les patients

Offre d'une durée limitée!
Dépêchez-vous! Contactez-nous aujourd'hui et obtenez une première consultation absolument gratuite!

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