dental pre-treatment estimate

Pre-treatment estimate en Chisinau

Precio en nuestra clínica:

de FREE €

Lea a continuación para obtener más información sobre Pre-treatment estimate en Moldavia y conocer todas las opciones, paquetes y precios para Pre-treatment estimate en nuestra clínica.

Nuestros expertos sobre Pre-treatment estimate

Even if it is not a dental service – it is of great importance because it gives the patients the possibility to know in advance the cost of their dental treatment in our clinic.

For dental tourist planing to fix their teeth it means they can take the decision – is it worth travelling to Moldova or not, and at the same time it is a document which will safe them from unpleasant surprises

Dental pre-treatment estimate is FREE of charge when requested online.

You can choose between several methods to request an estimate for your dental treatment in Moldova:

UK Tel: +442070487233

Italian Tel: +390419638304

Spanish Tel: +34911868022

French Tel: +33481680957

Lo que dicen los pacientes

¡Oferta por tiempo limitado!
¡Apurarse! Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy y obtenga el 100% gratuitamente la primera consulta del dentista!

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