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Travel to dentist with Air Moldova

If you plan to travel to our dentist in Moldova, now is the right time to buy tickets at shockingly low prices. In October, the Air Moldova company returns with the best prices for plane tickets. Ticket prices start from 19 euro, one-way, with all taxes included. Only in the period from October 1 to…


Root Canal Treatment: What is it? When is necessary? Why it’s urgent

English     Cosa è la devitalizzazione? La devitalizzazione (detta anche cura canalare o terapia canalare) consiste nella rimozione del tessuto pulpare del dente sia a livello della corona che a livello delle radici. Dopo, il tessuto rimosso se sostituisce con un’otturazione permanente. Questa procedura priva il dente delle terminazioni nervose e vascolari che lo…


Immediate loading implants or deferred loading implants?

Deferred loading implantology has always been practiced with great success. However, thanks to modern surgery, we are currently opting more for immediate loading implantology with fixed temporary teeth, because it offers us more advantages, especially for patients who have lost the habit of chewing and have an unstable occlusion.


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